Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama and American Naivette

For many in America, Obama is a hero and can do no wrong. The first black ( actually, half-white) president is a thoughtful, mature and smart individual who has mesmerized Americans with his message of hope and change.

However, there are chinks now in the Obama armour. The nation has begun to doubt him. The unemployment is crippling for the poor and the middle class. The rich bankers are awarding themselves record bonuses. Obama is the modern day Robin Hood who steals from the poor and hands it over to the rich. Health care reform is almost dead.

The above is the public narrative. A Hero to Villain story befitting a Hollywood production.

Who is Obama? Is this question even relevant? Should'nt the question be "What has Obama done?" I think this is a big problem in America. Individuals here worry about form and not about content. The debate is not about issues, but values. Right vs Left, Conservative vs. Liberal. The attachment to an idealogy and viewing everything through that lens. People live in a bubble.

Obama and the like understand this succintly. They even plan strategies on this.

One clear illustration of this American naivette is "Joe the Plumber". Here is a guy who is struggling to make both ends meet, supporting the very party that promotes policies that caused his problems.